Study Better with Tripslingua
Making Every Class Count
A Little Bit About Me
Do Kanady som prišiel z Československa pred vyše tromi dekádami. To znamená že sa orientujem prevažne na našu komunitu. Naučím vás americkú angličtinu intenzívnou formou. Nakoľko ste ubytovaný u mňa doma výuka prebieha 24/7 In-Person Tutoring. Špeciálnym a jednoduchým spôsobom sa naštartuje proces ako rozumieť a rozprávať anglicky. Úprimne povedané na tomto vybudovanom osobnom základe je treba pokračovať ďalej po návrate domov Online Tutoring formou cez Skype vzájomnou dohodou.
I work hard to maintain up-to-date knowledge of new curriculum content and provide teaching that is appropriate for each individual's needs and level of study. Contact me to find out more about my qualifications and services and to start putting together an individual study plan for you.
Our Services
$1,350 CAD per week45 min
My Students’ Impressions
Your teaching improvisations are unique and impressivetoo. I love the wayyou do everything possible to impart knowledge to your students.
Mauricio Garcia
I love your teaching style! I always look forward to your sessions, also online course which are very helpful, because of the way you make learning fun. Thank you for being excellent at what you do.
Miguel Costa
Your feedback on assignments is always well detailed, concise and specific. It has improved our performance. Thank you for the additional materials you gave me to study with.
Peter Hillman
24/7 Phone Support
Outstanding Quality
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